Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mission Call

"Dear Elder Watkins,

You are assigned to labor in the Philippines Angeles Mission, Tagalog speaking...You will report to the Philippines MTC on September 13."
Dustin and Tom pointing to the Philippines on the world map!

For those of you unfamiliar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, young men and young women have the opportunity to be called to serve as full-time missionaries to share the teachings of Jesus Christ. Young men are called to serve for 2 years, and young women serve for 18 months. Missionaries serve all over the world in many different countries and learn to speak the language of the country they serve in. To begin their mission, they report to a Missionary Training Center (MTC). For 6 weeks they learn to speak the language they have been assigned and learn about the culture of the people they will be serving. If they are already proficient in the language, their stay is much shorter. 

Dustin with Mom and Dad
There are 15 MTCs around the world! Check them out at 

And thus begins Elder Watkins' adventure!

Dustin giving Mom some sugar

Dustin with his siblings