Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 37: Start of the Rainy Season, a Random Dinner, and God's Mysterious Ways

Hey Fam! :)

Sorry I most likely won't be able to chat today. But I got some pics to send and stuff so hopefully you are satisfied... Actually, I know dad will not be, because there are also no recording this week. I wasn't able to withdraw any money yet due to the breakdown of the 1 ATM in all Arayat... So I haven't bought any batteries... Sorry.

Anyways, this was a fun week! First, yesterday was the start of the rainy season and it came in with a bang! The day started off blazing hot; then at 4 in the afternoon it felt like it was noon... Unbelievable...but then within an hour it went from virtually no clouds to immense dark clouds covering the whole sky. It was absolutely pouring... We were on splits and I was with Joel, the blind Ward Mission Leader and some others. We couldn't stay dry so we just walked around without umbrellas and it was so fun haha. Then we had to ride a trike and there was no more space so I just held on the outside and I should've just jumped in a pool for how wet I was... It was a great time, good memories. Also the lightning here at night is absolutely crazy... It literally goes off like every 5-10 seconds and illuminates the entire sky. It is so beautiful.

So cool story for the week :) This actually happened last week but I forgot to tell you guys about it :) So I was in Angeles on exchanges with Elder Wilson. We were leaving SM Clark (the American Mall here in the Philippines) when a random white dude says "Elders!" We start talking and he isn't a member but his wife is. Then he said, "You guys seem nice, let me treat you to dinner!"  We had just eaten burritos and Krispy Kreme donuts (so good btw) but we felt we should say yes (free food...of course :) ). So we obliged and he took us to Shakey's Pizza. His wife showed up and we ended up staying for a little over an hour and a half. While we were eating, a huge thunderstorm went through but we didn't think much of it. Right when we decided to leave, the rain stopped. We rode home and it was dark, but the road to Elder Wilson's apartment is kind of in the middle of nowhere. As we were riding we saw there were enormous uprooted trees along the highway. We later saw that a few jeepneys had been smashed by the trees injuring some people and a few people had died. I was so grateful that a random white guy in the Philippines was able to take us out to eat so that we could be safe during the storm. God knows all and works in mysterious ways... But I think he sent those kind people to us to keep us safe. I know God is aware of all of us and especially his missionaries. He protects them and comforts them :)

Love you all :) Have a great week :)
Elder Watkins

Elder Watkins and Joel, the Ward Mission Leader.
They were in the rain haha

Elder Watkins and his companion Elder Soberano from Ilo Ilo.
He goes home in 14 days...crazy!

Elder Drake from California and Elder Cancel from Cavite.
They are Elder Watkins' and Elder Soberano's  housemates.