Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 68: A New Assignment and Companion; Faith, Prayer, and Revelation; Quoting Elder Bitters' Quote... :)

Hello my progenitors :) I want to express my love and appreciation for each of you :) You are all amazing.

So this week has been one of the craziest weeks of my mission...hence, no recordings. Since Wednesday I have been engaged almost all working hours of the day, but not in proselyting work. I have received a new assignment from the Lord through President Clark to serve as his Assistant. I accepted the assignment even though I feel inadequate. I will, however, exercise faith and trust in the Lord's promise, "Whom the Lord calls, He qualifies." I know that He will stretch me in this new assignment. I have only bee here since Wednesday and I do not recall being on my knees, fervently praying like this. I have always had a special testimony about prayer, but I can see how the Lord is humbling me through this. I now know that I cannot do this on my own. I desperately need his guiding hand, and I need my spiritual insight to recognize his influence in my life. Through just a few days, I can feel myself relying and drawing ever closer to my Father in Heaven As I move closer to Him, I recognize that I am also humbling myself. What a glorious relationship. As we humble ourselves and direct our hearts to the will of our Father's, we are lifted up. I know this is true.

I am also ecstatic to be working so closely with President Clark. He has been a great role model for me and I admire him greatly. I am now blessed to be able to serve him in a much more intimate way. I am able to witness him receiving revelation. What a blessing. I am also better understanding how the Lord reveals His will to us. He often gives little hints as to the direction we are to journey and expects us to continue in Faith. If we are obedient and humble, he will not let us stray. I know in my life, and in the lives of the people I teach and work with, often we expect revelation or guidance to come in a blaze of glory! Or expect that the revelation will have a step by step A-Z. Sometime this may happen, but because our Father loves us, he lets us figure it out so we can grow and progress. I am grateful for a loving God who allows me to choose but will also guide me along the way. Anyways I will be so happy to work with President Clark. I will also be able to serve the missionaries in our mission. That is a great blessing for me as I love the missionaries here. I earnestly desire their success. I just want to see them be happy and obedient. When I see growth in an investigator, when I see growth in a missionary, it is the same to me. I love them both so much and yearn to see their progression and conversion. One thing I am nervous about is driving. I will be acquiring my license tomorrow and we will see how driving in the Philippines goes...Upon my return to the States I may drive like a mad man...

My new companion is Elder Mabalot. He is Filipino from the northernmost part of the Philippines. It is said to be chilly there. As in 70 degrees. People sport sweaters and jackets there on the regular. He is from La Union! Where my previous companion Elder Ofiana is from! What a coincidence! And you know what else is a coincidence? Elder Ofiana and I share an apartment! We are roommates!! Haha unbelievable...Elder Ofiana is an Office Elder. His role is similar to that of a secretary He deals with a large volume of reports and other mission business bleh...haha. Back to Elder Mabalot, he is 22 and initially from the Philippines Tacloban Mission. However, he was re-assigned here after the horrid hurricane "Yolanda" of last year. Elder Mabalot was also assigned in Arayat, my previous area. As in terms of my "New" Area, I actually just relocated houses down the street. I will be attending Tarlac Ward 4! So I will still be with all the recent converts and members I have met while serving the past 4 months! That is awesome. However, President Clark mentioned I may be here for 3-4 transfers as of now. This means I may only have 3 areas in my entire mission! Good and a bad thing. Either way "Come what may and love it"  Whatever or wherever the Lord needs Elder Watkins, he will do the Lord's will.

I love each of you greatly. Have a fantastic week :)

Elder Watkins

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